UPDATE 7-15-03: It appears that America and the political power brokers who control our media, are waking up to the bush administration's lies and secreted agendas. 2 weeks ago the USA media wouldn't touch the matters shown on this website; But over the last several days our heavily censored (by influence) media is starting to show signs they are ready to add some fuel to the awakening of America to the real agendas of the white house. The African unranium matter is minor in the scheme of things, ...and is just a test case for the media to measure the political and public reaction waters. But it has become a catalyst for the broader picture of the bush administration lies and agenda, ...which will certainly spread to the powers that pull the bush administration strings. PAY ATTENTION FOLKS ... and remember that our media is extremely vanilla and walking on thin political and regulatory-influence ice. Our congress is equally weak and vanilla; Look to the public to lead the way in exposing the white house regime's true secret agendas ...and Congress to stammer in political correctness. There are a number of free-world free-press links on this website that will cue you to the real issues behind the USA media hints. Do not believe single sources; Read a broad selection of FREE-WORLD media sources and draw the truth from comparison with public opinion. For the time being, we can also derive public opinion by careful attention to our media interviews and sorting out what it is the white house wants them to report and what the public sector is saying.
We must pay the utmost attention for signs of Martial Law: as America wakes up and attempts to remove the bush administration. I feel certain that the more America wakes up, the more propaganda, lies, tyranny and dictatorship will be applied by the bush administration, particularly as Americans take to the streets in demonstration. This is exactly what caused and happened in the street wars of the 1960's. Tyranny from the bush administration will certainly be applied to insurrection by American citizens ... and vice versa. It is this obvious mixture of potentials that REQUIRE us to pay the CLOSEST of attention to tyranny applied under the Patriot Act ....and PARTICULARLY ANY AND ALL attempts to institute NEW even more dictatorial Patriot Acts that are already drafted and WAITING FOR SOME EXCUSE TO INSTITUTE. IT IS MY FULLEST OPINION that the Patriot Act was instituted to be able to spy upon Americans when insurrection against the bush administration ensues, and further enable them to DECALARE MARTIAL LAW.
PAY ATTENTION AMERICA This IS NOT Chicken Little stuff Folks .... THIS IS VERY REAL.
Only YOUR attention will enable you to see through the MIC cum- republikan / bush administration smoke and mirrors, propaganda and lies.
LITMUSES TO WATCH FOR ... FOR CAUSE OF EXTREME CIVIL ACTION: -- George Bush to soon push for more spying and civil rights abrogations. -- Discussions and movements for Constitutional ammendment. -- Discussions and movements for a Constitution Congress. -- Continued establishment of Nazi programs such as the newly established concentration camps. -- Movements towards a camouflaged Patriot Act ll and lll. -- Preparations and politicing for / against Martial Law. -- Movements of Activism, Demonstrations, Insurrection that I firmly believe will trigger Martial Law. -- Another expertly disguised "terrorist" attack for fuel to establish the things said here. |