ALERT for disabled Soldiers, activists and concerned citizens: (And consider what is blatantly / obviously happening with MIC / reich-wing puppets in charge of key positions of our treasury's expenditures): THE MILITARY IS DELIBERATELY AND SEVERELY UNDER-RATING SOLDIERS' DISABILITIES protect and guard the treasury for the filthy pockets of MIC Empire syndicates: |
Resources and Support for Soldiers who are troubled about their roles in war, or who are or are considering resisting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: |
The V.A. (aka D.V.A.) Make no mistake; The Veterans Administration SELECTED chiefs and administrators ARE subserviant to the MIC Empire / white house command over them; But the V.A. chiefs are also THE defacto judge, jury, gestapo and outlet for Veterans benefits; An evil nature that almost always has to be fought with civilian advocate resources in order for Veterans to obtain JUSTICE and the benefits THEY ARE CONTRACTUALLY ENTITLED TO. DEPT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (aka V.A.)
Why doesn't geee-DUHb's scumbag administration and MIC cronie republikaners tell their-Amairka that they have silently been cutting our Veterans' benefits while feigning praise for our Soldiers and Vets? Lying self-serving scumbags has been their nature since richard nixon sold the once great Republican Party out to the MIC just like Dwight Eisenhower tried hard to tell us Tricky DICK would if ever elected president. Will a society of brain-washed / brain-dead and pacified critical mass of self-important phony patriots and religious zealots EVER listen to the Truth??????? Will waving little plastic flags made in china while trying to lip sync patriotic songs and pros hardly any of them know the first-verse words to, EVER be a substitute for REAL Patriotism ....REAL democracy, Liberty and Justice???????
Am I qualified to take the positions I do here? I am a Veteran with 18 combat decorations (medals/ribbons), who fought in vietnam, a war which began with now widely known LIES AND FEAR to take us into war for little more than a military support arm for "the CIA's" (MIC reich-wing goons') heroin cartel in Laos to fund agendas and operations they dared not want the public nor congress to know about; And a war that was a military support contract milk cow for the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) empire syndicates who are the REAL bosses of the CIA and endless halls of secret shadow government agencies in Washington D.C, and extending out across the whole planet.
These same right-wing scumbags got caught red-handed doing the very same thing again, that we know as the Iran-Contra affair. Today they have again done the same thing by starting wars via the events of 9-11 and incredible lies, both of which they created themselves, in order to invade and secure control of Afghanistan's opiuim and heroin (and opium laced hashish) for their coffers, and the gas and oil fields of the Aral Basin and Iraq, and war contracts for the MIC that are the military logistical support arm for THEIR drug empire (which has long been the largest drug empire on the planet), not to mention agendas and operations in those theatres they aren't about to willingly tell you, I nor Congress about. These are the very same scumbags that America abandoned vietnam Vets to, and the same scumbags that abandoned our POWs and MIAs and left them in the jungles of Cambodia and Laos, and the same scumbags that now we must try our best to help defend our Dear Soldiers against and support them while they fight those scumbags' wars THAT WE ALLOW. Our VERY DEAR Soldiers volunteered as brave and adveturous Youth do, and they would be protecting us were there a need to do so; But we dare not abandon them to be abused to fatten a scumbag empire's pockets and agendas. In that effort I will not waver nor be polite nor politically correct nor sacrifice my Honor, Duty, brains nor character to the MIC scumbags' lies and phony counterfeit of patriotism. RESISTING and uprising against these scumbags is REAL Patriotism to our Dear Country, Dear Youth, Dear Soldiers and to our Duty to our national / international character and Honor.
Our Country and our troops are exposed to white house mal-feasance nigh-identical to and by most of the same people that gave us the vietnam and Iran-Contra fiascos. Many Americans and the rest of the planet have been trying to tell us but have been greatly censored while our white house tells us one headline lie after another.
When our soldiers distrust and dislike our own president and their commander in chief, as MANY I've talked to do; Then they and we are in deep kimchee and we need to do all we can for our Dear Soldiers serving under such malfeasance. How can anyone trust our lying chickenhawk bastard of a president who spent allot if not most of his Air Force Reserve time AWOL under his daddy's wings.
Info you will not likely see in the Military Industrial Complex's bought and paid-for reich-wing congress and reich-wing media brain-washing propaganda machine. But not to worry; Boy george, rush limberger, pill o'reilly and all their other talking head idiot whores are hearing messages straight from god himself; Lordy be. (Gag me with a huge SUV full of premium gas and MIC goons' heroin).
Monitor Legislation effecting Disabled Veterans and Congressional voting:
Many of the Veterans of Foreign Wars membership are pissed too, although their "leadership" is becoming evermore placated by geee-dub's political "correctness". Search their site for their positions on geee-dub cutting their benefits. |
Main portals on this website: |
It is our unwavering DUTY to SUPPORT OUR DEAR MEN AND WOMEN SOLDIERS AT WAR IN AFGHANISATAN AND IRAQ and god knows where else; and in their serving us around the World.
As a fellow combat Veteran with 18 combat decorations, I Salute you with the deepest and highest Respect and Honor.
Some of the most primarily important and appreciated things our soldiers desire from us are communication and support from their families, support from the public for the jobs they are doing regardless of whether a person supports the war, and Care Packages sent from home and by the public. Listed below are 2 organizations that can help do that, and they provide comprehensive programs, information and resource references in support of our Soldiers at war and around the World without taking a position about the present empire wars:
These organizations have many resources of support for our soldiers :
DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS One of if not the most pro-active organizations in the USA for Veterans Rights, needs and interests, ...both in the field and when they come home.
NATL GULF WAR RESOURCE CENTER Supporting our soldiers in the Arabian Gulf theatre.
Due to government security concerns and transportation constraints, the Department of Defense suspended its practice of forwarding personal care packages and correspondence by the American public to "Any Service Member" (no particular person). However, Veterans For Common Sense has found several organizations that have responsibly overcome those obstacles and would like to share their information with you.
VETERANS FOR COMMON SENSE IF YOU ARE SENDING PACKAGES TO SPECIFIC SOLDIERS: The VFCS webpage shown above also has a list of small items our Soldiers would need and appreciate.
The pentagon also HAD a webpage list of items our Soldiers would likely need: But the Army has removed this help page from the Ft. Bragg website. ------------oOo------------
See my Care Package Links for additional info including Soldiers that don't have family or are not getting mail, packages, etc and ask for help along with their addresses to satisfy the govt restrictions on sending packages addressed to "Any Soldier"; And other resources for getting care packages and some individual needed items to our Troops.
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As much as possible in my private efforts here; Links are audtited for operation, their info found / linked elsewhere or removed if defunct. As of tonight the links are all working OK again except where noted. -------oOo------- Please be advised that as it becomes increasingly difficult for some widely read but limited budget sites to keep information up that the white house gang doesn't particularly like; from time to time some links here might no longer work; although you can still find the information elsewhere with a bit of motivated internet searching for the main words of your questions and thoughts. It is important that lesser-known people like you and I to find credible information and help keep it available and distributed in the combat against empirical political pressure and censorship.
In the past it has often been quite a chore for webmasters to keep information posted on the internet that is contrary to white house doctrine. With the rather recent awakening of America to the white house agendas, malfeasance, etc. and the resulting political influences; Keeping oppositional information posted has been quite a bit easier. It is YOU and I, the People who own this country by title, who will determine if we remain free or fall prey to fascists our great forefathers warned us repeatedly about and set up our Constitution, Liberty and FULLEST Democracy as THE means to defend us against empirical fascists. |
Support our Dear Men and Women in Uniform |
It is our unwavering DUTY to SUPPORT OUR DEAR MEN AND WOMEN SOLDIERS AT WAR IN AFGHANISATAN AND IRAQ and god knows where else; and in their serving us around the World.
As a fellow combat Veteran with 18 combat decorations, I Salute you with the deepest and highest Respect and Honor.
Some of the most primarily important and appreciated things our soldiers desire from us are communication and support from their families, support from the public for the jobs they are doing regardless of whether a person supports the war, and Care Packages sent from home and by the public. Listed below are 2 organizations that can help do that, and they provide comprehensive programs, information and resource references in support of our Soldiers at war and around the World without taking a position about the present empire wars:
These organizations have many resources of support for our soldiers :
DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS One of if not the most pro-active organizations in the USA for Veterans Rights, needs and interests, ...both in the field and when they come home.
NATL GULF WAR RESOURCE CENTER Supporting our soldiers in the Arabian Gulf theatre.
Due to government security concerns and transportation constraints, the Department of Defense suspended its practice of forwarding personal care packages and correspondence by the American public to "Any Service Member" (no particular person). However, Veterans For Common Sense has found several organizations that have responsibly overcome those obstacles and would like to share their information with you.
VETERANS FOR COMMON SENSE IF YOU ARE SENDING PACKAGES TO SPECIFIC SOLDIERS: The VFCS webpage shown above also has a list of small items our Soldiers would need and appreciate.
The pentagon also HAD a webpage list of items our Soldiers would likely need: But the Army has removed this help page from the Ft. Bragg website. ------------oOo------------
See my Care Package Links for additional info including Soldiers that don't have family or are not getting mail, packages, etc and ask for help along with their addresses to satisfy the govt restrictions on sending packages addressed to "Any Soldier"; And other resources for getting care packages and some individual needed items to our Troops.
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Main portals on this website: |
The V.A. (aka D.V.A.) Make no mistake; The Veterans Administration SELECTED chiefs and administrators ARE subserviant to the MIC Empire / white house command over them; But the V.A. chiefs are also THE defacto judge, jury, gestapo and outlet for Veterans benefits; An evil nature that almost always has to be fought with civilian advocate resources in order for Veterans to obtain JUSTICE and the benefits THEY ARE CONTRACTUALLY ENTITLED TO. DEPT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (aka V.A.)
Why doesn't geee-DUHb's scumbag administration and MIC cronie republikaners tell their-Amairka that they have silently been cutting our Veterans' benefits while feigning praise for our Soldiers and Vets? Lying self-serving scumbags has been their nature since richard nixon sold the once great Republican Party out to the MIC just like Dwight Eisenhower tried hard to tell us Tricky DICK would if ever elected president. Will a society of brain-washed / brain-dead and pacified critical mass of self-important phony patriots and religious zealots EVER listen to the Truth??????? Will waving little plastic flags made in china while trying to lip sync patriotic songs and pros hardly any of them know the first-verse words to, EVER be a substitute for REAL Patriotism ....REAL democracy, Liberty and Justice???????
Am I qualified to take the positions I do here? I am a Veteran with 18 combat decorations (medals/ribbons), who fought in vietnam, a war which began with now widely known LIES AND FEAR to take us into war for little more than a military support arm for "the CIA's" (MIC reich-wing goons') heroin cartel in Laos to fund agendas and operations they dared not want the public nor congress to know about; And a war that was a military support contract milk cow for the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) empire syndicates who are the REAL bosses of the CIA and endless halls of secret shadow government agencies in Washington D.C, and extending out across the whole planet.
These same right-wing scumbags got caught red-handed doing the very same thing again, that we know as the Iran-Contra affair. Today they have again done the same thing by starting wars via the events of 9-11 and incredible lies, both of which they created themselves, in order to invade and secure control of Afghanistan's opiuim and heroin (and opium laced hashish) for their coffers, and the gas and oil fields of the Aral Basin and Iraq, and war contracts for the MIC that are the military logistical support arm for THEIR drug empire (which has long been the largest drug empire on the planet), not to mention agendas and operations in those theatres they aren't about to willingly tell you, I nor Congress about. These are the very same scumbags that America abandoned vietnam Vets to, and the same scumbags that abandoned our POWs and MIAs and left them in the jungles of Cambodia and Laos, and the same scumbags that now we must try our best to help defend our Dear Soldiers against and support them while they fight those scumbags' wars THAT WE ALLOW. Our VERY DEAR Soldiers volunteered as brave and adveturous Youth do, and they would be protecting us were there a need to do so; But we dare not abandon them to be abused to fatten a scumbag empire's pockets and agendas. In that effort I will not waver nor be polite nor politically correct nor sacrifice my Honor, Duty, brains nor character to the MIC scumbags' lies and phony counterfeit of patriotism. RESISTING and uprising against these scumbags is REAL Patriotism to our Dear Country, Dear Youth, Dear Soldiers and to our Duty to our national / international character and Honor.
Our Country and our troops are exposed to white house mal-feasance nigh-identical to and by most of the same people that gave us the vietnam and Iran-Contra fiascos. Many Americans and the rest of the planet have been trying to tell us but have been greatly censored while our white house tells us one headline lie after another.
When our soldiers distrust and dislike our own president and their commander in chief, as MANY I've talked to do; Then they and we are in deep kimchee and we need to do all we can for our Dear Soldiers serving under such malfeasance. How can anyone trust our lying chickenhawk bastard of a president who spent allot if not most of his Air Force Reserve time AWOL under his daddy's wings.
Info you will not likely see in the Military Industrial Complex's bought and paid-for reich-wing congress and reich-wing media brain-washing propaganda machine. But not to worry; Boy george, rush limberger, pill o'reilly and all their other talking head idiot whores are hearing messages straight from god himself; Lordy be. (Gag me with a huge SUV full of premium gas and MIC goons' heroin).
Monitor Legislation effecting Disabled Veterans and Congressional voting:
Many of the Veterans of Foreign Wars membership are pissed too, although their "leadership" is becoming evermore placated by geee-dub's political "correctness". Search their site for their positions on geee-dub cutting their benefits. |
Support our Dear Men and Women in Uniform |
Lest we ever forget our POWs ABANDONED in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia by the neo-nazi empire now once again occupying our white house. |
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This page was last updated on: March 7, 2007
Resources and Support for Soldiers who are troubled about their roles in war, or who are or are considering resisting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: |
ALERT for disabled Soldiers, activists and concerned citizens: (And consider what is blatantly / obviously happening with MIC / reich-wing puppets in charge of key positions of our treasury's expenditures): THE MILITARY IS DELIBERATELY AND SEVERELY UNDER-RATING SOLDIERS' DISABILITIES protect and guard the treasury for the filthy pockets of MIC Empire syndicates: |